Monday, March 26
Stereoscopic artist Vladimir presenting in Film 201 / MUS 175, 11am – 12:50pm
Vladmasters are handmade View-Master™ reels designed, photographed, and hand-assembled by Portland, Oregon-based artist Vladimir. Her Vladmasters make use of toys, neglected household objects, and odd ephemera to tell 28-picture tales of train chases, missing steam shovels, disastrous dinner parties, and overly adventurous cockroaches. Her live performances offer simultaneous Vladmaster experiences in which every attendee is given a viewer and set of disks and then led through the story by a soundtrack featuring music, narration, sound effects, and ding noises to cue the change from image to image.

Tuesday, March 27
Vladimir at Experimental Tuesday / 7pm Union Theater ** FREE **
Cover Your Eyes in Delight! An Evening of Vladmaster-y!
Vladimir will be on hand to lead the audience through four of her wondrous Vladmaster tales. Promises Vladimir: “The CLACK of hundreds of viewers turning simultaneously fills the air. Mass euphoria ensues.” View-Master™ and accompanying soundtrack to be provided! Please note: arrive early! Limited seating! Co-presented with Milwaukee’s own Paper Boat Boutique.
Wednesday, March 28
Susan Stryker presents Screaming Queens / 7pm Union Theatre ** FREE **
Filmmaker Historian Susan Stryker on UWM campus to present her documentary
SCREAMING QUEENS: The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria
a documentary by Susan Stryker and Victor Silverman

Presented by the Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival
For more information on SCREAMING QUEENS:
Friday, March 30
Colloquia in Conceptual Studies / 2 pm - CURTIN 175
"Interactivities: Conversations with Media Artists and Theorists"
George Lewis, Edwin H. Case Professor of Music, Columbia University
Title: "Living with Creative Machines"
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Woodland Pattern Experimental Film/Video Series / 7pm, $2
Beautiful, Wary: The Films of Michael Robinson
Filmmaker Michael Robinson in person!

In a series of films both deftly beautiful and exquisitely suspicious, Michael Robinson unfurls captivating imagery as a means of surveying the landscape of a possible romanticism. Bracingly smart and a pleasure to behold, his films offer a consideration of the valence of beauty and the chance of sincerity. Currently based in Chicago, Robinson has presented his prize-winning films all over: at, for instance, the New York Film Festival’s Views from the Avant Garde, the International Film Festival of Rotterdam, Images (Toronto), the Media City Film Festival, the London Film Festival, the Onion City Film Festival in Chicago, and the Milwaukee Underground Film Festival.
For more details: