Perspectives on Age Film Series
1h30pm – Eastcastle Place2505 East Bradford Avenue
A series of documentary films about the challenges and triumphs met by our city’s older residents. Films made my UWM students.Call (414) 289-5973 to register
Presented LCT: Let’s Take Care – Connecting Caring Communities
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Noon at Alterra
Coffee with DocUquarium guest filmmaker Marco Williams (Banished)Alterra Coffee Roasters – 2211 N. Prospect Ave.Join us for an intimate chat with the filmmaker.
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DocUquarium Series – every Wednesday September 5-December 5
“Dive deep” into the newest independent documentaries this fall as filmmaker/professor Brad Lichtenstein opens up his film 301 class to the public. Nine premieres, guests every month and deep exploration guaranteed. A few highlights include Banished, King Korn and Revolution 67.
Check the complete schedule at and the blog at
This Week’s DocUquarium:
UWM Union’s Wisconsin Room (next to the theater)7h30pm *FREE*
Banished (Marco Williams, USA, 2007)
Director Marco Williams present!
Filmmaker Marco Williams is in town to present and talk about his latest film, Banished. In Banished, Williams visits American communities that exiled their black populations and asks "why?" Marco has won every award that is given in documentary film (Emmy, DuPont, Peabody...), and he teaches filmmaking at NYU, so be prepared for an electric performance.To learn more about the film please visit* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Basement CinemaMitchell Hall - Room B91Basement Cinema is a student-run series of B and unusual commercial movies. More information at
This week: Roaming HandsThey say that idle hands are the devil’s play things. But, what do they say about severed hands with a proclivity for murder? One might only wish the deadly hands at play in this week’s double feature were idle! Don’t let the devil make a play thing of your hands, come out to Basement Cinema and put your hands together as we celebrate to wildly entertaining films about disembodies hands.8pm FREEThe Hand
(Oliver Stone, 1981, 104 minutes)
Jon Lansdale (Michael Caine) is a comic book artist who loses his drawing hand in an automobile accident. The hand is never found and with his drawing career down the toilet. Already a tempormental person, Lansdale takes a teaching job at a small liberal arts college, in the hopes of starting new. When those who anger Jon start turning up dead and mysterious drawings he could not possibly have drawn appear in sketchbooks, Lansdale starts to wonder if he or perhaps a missing part of himself is behind it all. Yes, this is directed by the Oliver Stone. The same guy who gave you JFK and Natural Born Killers. Stone also turns up in The Hand as a street bum and an early victim of Lansdale’s angry hand.
10pm FREEDemonoid, Messenger of Death
(Alfredo Zacarias, 1981, 78 minutes)
In the opening minutes of the film a secret society of hooded figures, looking like yellow clad KKK members chase a woman into a cavern, chain her to a wall and take an axe to her left hand. The hand drops to the ground and crawls away. Quickly, a knife is jabbed through the hand and it is locked into a special metal container. Cut to the present day where a British couple decides to reopen the cursed Mexican mine. When they find the severed hand they unsuspectingly release an ancient spirit that inhabits the left hand of its victims. The possessed left hand drives people to murder and the only way to rid yourself of the curse is to rid yourself of your left hand. Cheesy effects, horrible acting (and accents), gore and disembodied hands make this low-budget south-of-the-border horror film an unintentional comedy.