7pm $5 general admission / $4 students, seniors
Wrestling with Angels
(Freida Lee Mock, USA, 98 min., 35mm, 2006)

"Wrestling With Angels" is a feature-length documentary portrait of the Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning playwright, author of "Angels in America," "Caroline or Change," & "Homebody/Kabul." Freida Lee Mock's documentary tells the story of a relentlessly creative spirit at work and shares how Kushner, raised in the Deep South, would become an outspoken activist, a compassionate spokesperson for outsiders, and one of America's most creative playwrights.
At its core the film explores the mystery of creativity, and is an inspiring tale of how a passionately committed person can make a difference for social justice.
Read more at http://www.tonykushnerthemovie.com/
The screening is a co-presentation of the Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival and the UWM Union Theatre