Coffee with DocUquarium guest Ken Druckerman
Alterra Coffee Roasters – 2211 N. Prospect Ave.
Join us for an intimate chat with the filmmaker.
UWM Union Theater
7pm - FREE
(Jacob Septimus & Anthony Howard, US, 89 min., video, 2006)

Black Label Bike Club (BLBC) battles mainstream consumer culture and rival gangs for its vision of a better tomorrow. Pulling threads from Critical Mass and the wider bike counterculture, B.I.K.E. explores such themes as radical politics, personal artistic vision, global responsibility, relationships, group formation, and perhaps most prominently, pain and love. Following the Brooklyn chapter of BLBC for over two years to meetings, parties, jousts, and protests this fascinating and gritty film provides insight into a passionate subculture, and the darker aspects of living on the wild side.