7pm *FREE*
(Samir Gloor-Fadel , Switzerland /France, in English, Kurdish, French and German w/ English St., 106 min., 16mm on video, 1999)

A meditation in space, evoking an image of the city, of a location.
Berlin is seen as hollow and in black and white. Samira Gloor-Fadel's stunningly photographed film is an intimate journey with celebrated European auteur Wim Wenders around the city of Berlin . Jean-Luc Godard provides a commentary, and architect Jean Nouvel joins Wenders in tracing the construction sites of future buildings in a rapidly developing Berlin . With measured pacing, Gloor-Fadel's Film is witty and multi-layered, a film also about the process of filmmaking itself. A static "Road Movie" where fixed frames show moving dimensions, long pans lead to vanishing points and motion is the only certainty.