Mitchell Hall - Room B91
Basement Cinema is a student-run series of B and unusual commercial movies.
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This week: This Halloween Basement Cinema is no trick and all treat. We’ve got a triple feature of zombie films from three different countries ready to devour your brain.
6pm FREE
Sugar Hill
(Paul Masalansky, 1974, 91 minutes)

Blaxploitation meets voodoo zombie action! The craziness starts when New Orleans mobsters kill Sugar’s boyfriend. Determined to get her revenge, Sugar enlists the help of Baron Zamedi, the Lord of the Dead. Sugar trades her soul for an army of zombies hit men to do her bidding. This is one black cat the mafia will wish never crossed their path.
8pm FREE
Hell of the Living Dead
(Bruno Mattei, 1980, 101 minutes)
A four man SWAT team meet up with two reporters in New Guinea. They are all their to investigate a chemical spill. What they never expected to find where flesh hungry zombies waiting to devour them. Now, they must fight their way of off the island and warn the rest of the world. One of countless Dawn of the Dead inspired zombie films made with Italian money, Hell of the Living Dead (aka Night of the Zombies) deserves recognition for being one of the wildest, craziest, and most laughably enjoyable gore films in this genre.
10pm FREE
Wild Zero
(Tetsuro Takeuchi, 2000, 98 minutes)

Aliens are invading Earth and their arrival has turned most of the world into zombies. The only hope for humanity is a rock ‘n’ roll! Wanna be rocker Ace calls upon his idols Guitar Wolf to use their music instruments to help him save the world from an onslaught of zombies. Starring the actual punk rock trio Guitar Wolf, this Japanese mash-up of rock ‘n’ roll, zombie, and sci-fi movie is one of the most insane films Basement Cinema has ever presented and will surely have folks yelling, “Rock ‘n’ Roll,” in a bad Japanese accent for many days to come.