“Dive deep” into the newest independent documentaries this fall as filmmaker/professor Brad Lichtenstein opens up his film 301 class to the public. Nine premieres, guests every month and deep exploration guaranteed. Check the complete schedule at http://www4.uwm.edu/docuwm/ and the blog at http://docuquarium.groups.vox.com/.
This Week’s DocUquarium:
UWM Union Theater
7h30pm *FREE*
Revolution ‘67
(Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno, USA, 90 min, 2007)
Filmmakers Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno and Jerome Bongiorno in person!

Revolution '67 is an illuminating account of events too often relegated to footnotes in U.S. history - the black urban rebellion of the 1960s. Focusing on the six-day Newark, N.J., outbreak in mid July, Revolution '67 reveals how the disturbances began as a spontaneous revolt against poverty and police brutality and ended as fateful milestones in America's struggles over race and economic justice. Voices from across the spectrum - activists Tom Hayden and Amiri Baraka, journalist Bob Herbert, Mayor Sharpe James, and other officials, National Guardsmen and Newark citizens - recall lessons as hard-earned then as they have been easy to neglect since.
The film will be screened again at America’s Black Holocaust Museum on Nov. 29 (see details bellow).
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Basement Cinema
Mitchell Hall - Room B91
Basement Cinema is a student-run series of B and unusual commercial movies.
More information at http://basementcinema.wordpress.com
This week: Magic vs. Muscles - two early 80’s quickies designed to cash in on the barbarian craze that was sweeping America for a minute or two.
8pm *FREE*
The Sword and the Sorcerer
(Albert Pyun, 1982, 100 minutes)

A bloody, low budget movie in the spirit of Conan or Excalibur, except this one makes very little sense. The hero and his three-bladed, jet-propelled sword must help the heroine save her brother from a demonic figure known as Cromwell. Lots of action, torture, magic, mayhem and some killer special effects.
10pm *FREE*
(James Sbardellati, 1983, 80 minutes)

Self-centered blonde hunk Richard Hill is Deathstalker and former girlfriend to Hugh Hefner, Barbi Benton is a kidnapped princess. A giant tournament is staged to see who the greatest fighter in all the land is and you can probably figure who it will be. Then again, Deathstalker ain’t exactly a thinking man’s film unless that man likes to think about lots of nudity, blood, mud-wrestling, decapitations, dwarfs, and an ugly, boar headed beast man; not to mention piled on stupidity and a topless sword fighting scene.