December 19th
UWM DIVAS Program Junior/Senior Project
from 6-9 pm at Kenilworth Square East
free and open to the public
1925 E. Kenilworth Pl.,
4th floor (entrance on building's west side).
Electro_____ is a multimedia exhibition that showcases upperclassmen students’ semester-long projects including interactive installations, animations, and performance pieces.
Featuring work from
Brennan Alcott
Chris Campbell
Caitlin Christman
Miles Fabishak
Matteo Garcia
Aaron Hart
Sarandos Klikizos
Todd Ruehmer
Kyle Redlin
The UWM inter-arts program DIVAS [Digital Imaging, Visualization, Animation & Sound] was created in 2002. The program aims to explore new media, technology-oriented production and theory at the blurred boundaries of video, electronic music, visual art, web based art, robotics, and programming.