7pm *FREE*
Byron Hurt Screening of Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes
Presented by the “It's Bigger than Hip Hop” Series

Social Justice: Hip Hop Under a Microscope
An inspiring and enlightening evening with Byron Hurt, filmmaker and anti-sexist activist. The evening begins with a screening of his film, Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes, a "loving critique" of certain disturbing developments in mainstream rap music culture. Hurt will provide his commentary on representations of gender roles in hip-hop and rap music. Please stick around to add your thoughts on the subject during the Q and A.
Sponsored by the UWM Union Sociocultural Programming, UWM Union Programming, the Helen Bader School of Social Work, the Women's Resource Center, Norris Health Center, Cultures and Communities, and the Community Media Project.
For more information, contact Rebecca Grassl, 414-229-3728.