11am-12h50pm @ MUS 175
Filmmaker Sharon Lockhart presents her work / artist talk
UWM Union Theater
7pm *FREE*
Pine Flat (USA/Germany, 16mm, color/sound, 135min., 2005)
Filmmaker Sharon Lockhart in person!

"Pine Flat" is the latest in Sharon Lockhart’s ongoing and visually entrancing series of filmic portraits and mesmerizing considerations of form.
Her films -- such as "Goshogaoka" (1997), "Teatro Amazonas" (1999), & "NO" (2002) -- are, she offers, a "series of projects that have looked at communities, the landscape that creates them, and the people that inhabit them."
Her new film "Pine Flat" measures the experience of American childhood, specifically that of the girls and boys of Pine Flat, California. Shot over the course of three years in and around the town, "Pine Flat" unfurls Lockhart's characteristic structuralist approach to ethnographic portraiture: in a series of extended takes, of fixed composition and uniform duration, "Pine Flat" platforms a singular contemplative position, both intimate and detached, as we observe the town's children, alone, at play, in a world largely devoid of adults.
"Pine Flat" debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in 2006 and has since screened at such experimental venues as Berlin Film Festival's Forum, Images (Toronto), Media City Film Festival, and, most recently, the Ann Arbor Film Festival. Last summer, the film inhabited the Walker Art Center, reconfigured as a multi-room installation of photographs, sound, and film loops.