A talk by Theatre faculty member Michelle Lopez, part of the Difficult Dialogues series
4h30 pm in Zelazo 171 ** FREE **
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UWM Union Theater
The 29th Annual Latin American Film Series
Friday, April 13 – Friday, April 20 – Free Screenings http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CLACS/outreach/filmseries.html
7pm * FREE *
Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus
(Cinema, Aspirin and Vultures, by Marcelo Gomes, Brazil, 2005, 99 min)

Two young men travel the Northeastern Brazil backlands in the early 1940s, stopping in dusty towns to sell the new miracle drug, aspirin. Johann is a German who fled his country to avoid World War II; Ranulpho is a sharp-tongued Brazilian who hitched a ride one day, hoping to leave drought and suffering for a better life. Under Johann's guidance, Ranulpho learns to operate the cinema that they set up in the village streets, so they can show their filmed demonstration to people who've never heard of aspirin—or seen a film. At first, Johann and Ranulpho seem worlds apart, but they become friends during long days riding in the truck, with only the scratchy radio voice to remind them of the distant war.