Tuesday, February 12 7pm, FREE
Experimental Tuesdays at the Union Theatre, UWM Union Theatre
2nd level, UWM Union
Experimental Tuesdays at the Union Theatre, UWM Union Theatre
2nd level, UWM Union
Corpora Luminum: The Body in New French Experimental Cinema
Presented by Guest Curator Grant Wiedenfeld
With filmmaker Philippe Cote in person
co-presented with UWM Festival of Films in French; co-sponsored by French Cultural Service, of the French Embassy
When phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty located the roots of consciousness in the body being in the world, the human body became a key site for critical inquiry and artistic expression, nowhere more so than in his native France. Drawing upon this unique critical atmosphere and upon 60’s American and 70’s French avant-garde cinema, these contemporary filmmakers – all members of the Parisian experimental cinema workshop l’ETNA – engage the body in a diverse range of roles, from moving sculpture to respiring gaze, while revealing the brilliant body of cinema itself – a length of celluloid frames. Artists to be featured: Delphine Lest, Philippe Cote, Xavier Baert, and Carole Arcega.