Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Inova Opening: Friday, January 25, 6-9 pm

PLEASE JOIN US! (e-vite and press release attached)
(Deb Sokolow, Claire Pentecost & Amy Ruffo in attendance)

Opening reception: Friday, January 25, 6-9 pm
Institute of Visual Arts
Inova/Kenilworth, 2155 N. Prospect Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202

DEB SOKOLOW The Trouble with People You Don’t Know

The Flight of Fake Tears: Large-Scale Narrative Drawing

January 25-March 14, 2008

In huge, wall-filling drawings with maps, directional arrows and blocks
of text, Deb Sokolow (Chicago) mixes politics, popular culture,
conspiracy theory, and social anxiety into sweeping, intricate tales
worthy of any Great American Paranoid.

The Flight of Fake Tears features a sculptural tent-drawing by Dominic
McGill (New York), an enigmatic single-panel narrative drawing by Robyn
O’Neil (Houston), photographed studio wall-drawings by Claire Pentecost
(Chicago), and analogical landscapes by Amy Ruffo (Sheboygan).

Gallery hours: Wednesday & Friday-Sunday, 12 noon-5 pm; Thursday, 12
noon-8 pm.

Artists Now!

January 30, 2008 at 7 pm
Deb Sokolow: The Trouble with People You Don’t Know
Arts Center Lecture Hall, 2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Sokolow inaugurates the Department of Visual Art’s guest lecture series
with a talk about the evolution of her studio practice, the development
of the paranoid narrative, and the search for the nefarious.

February 6, 2008 at 7 pm
Claire Pentecost: In Media Res
Arts Center Lecture Hall, 2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Chicago-based artist and writer Claire Pentecost considers the great
tradition of drawing and its current place as a mediator between self
and the social.

SiteLines Drawing Immersion Workshop with Leslie Vansen & Deb Sokolow
January 26 & 27, 2008 from 9 am-6 pm
Kenilworth Square East, 1925 E. Kenilworth Pl.
Fee: $100 To register: (414) 229-4308

Information: 414.229.5070